I simply don’t have the space in my small garage gym to house an entire rack of dumbbells. Not to mention, the cost of buying an entire dumbbell set can take a big bite out of the wallet.

Adjustable dumbbells are the solution for my needs (and the needs of many other home gym owners). While there is no shortage of different types and brands on the market, my choice is PowerBlock. There are multiple models available, and my model of choice is the ProEXP model.

With one set of PowerBlocks, I’ve got just about all that I need for performing traditional dumbbell exercises!

Light enough for plenty of injury rehabilitation exercises, heavy enough for serious strength training. All while saving tons of space on the gym floor and dollars in the wallet. Sounds like a fantastic deal to me!

Banging out some half-kneeling single-arm overhead presses (great for challenging your core along with your shoulders)!