Biceps curl with the PowerBlock Dumbbell

PowerBlock EXP Pro Review: Best Adjustable Dumbbells? | What To Know

I have a relatively small garage gym, so I need to be smart when optimizing my floor space with any fitness equipment I house therein. Like numerous other avid home fitness goers, I consider adjustable dumbbells a necessity for my needs (and budget).

So, a few months ago, I started rocking the PowerBlock Pro EXPs for my dumbbell training needs. And in this review, I’ll lay out my insights on everything from their quality to the ideal user of these adjustable dumbbells, leaving no stone unturned. I might just even give you some pro tips along the way that you likely won’t find elsewhere on the internet.

As to not waste your time, here’s the two-sentence takeaway on my personal experience and thoughts with using the PowerBlock Pro EXP dumbbells:

The PowerBlock Pro EXPs are an ideal solution for those looking for a durable, adjustable dumbbell that can be purchased in stages. So long as you don’t mind their non-traditional form factor, these PowerBlocks should suffice for those looking to perform traditional resistance training exercises.

That is, of course, the down-and-dirty answer. If you specifically want to know if PowerBlocks are worth it for your needs, keep on reading!

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Quick stats: on the EXP Pro Model

Let’s start off with some quick facts and stats so as to make this article as helpful and time-efficient as possible. After that, I’ll dive into the meat and potatoes of the review. 

Weight increment: 5 lbs
Base stage weight: 5-50 lbs
Stage 2 weight: 50-70 lbs
Stage 3 weight: 70-90 lbs
Plate coating: Urethane
Handle type: contoured rubber (additional handle types can be purchased)
Convertible: Yes (EZ bar, straight bar, or Kettlebell)

Brand Benefits: PowerBlocks vs other adjustable dumbbells 

My PowerBlock EXP Pros resting on the Northern Lights stand (third-party manufacturer) in my garage. I currently only have the stage 1 kit but will soon be expanding to stage 2.

It was an agonizing decision for me, and likely one that is for you as well: which type of adjustable dumbbell should I purchase?

I went back and forth for a couple of months while trying to decide. It’s not that I didn’t know what my options were or that I wasn’t familiar with PowerBlocks (I’ve used them for years at other facilities). Rather, there just seems to be an ever-expanding option of adjustable dumbbells to choose from these days. 

I considered every option and did my research until I was blue in the face. Ultimately, my decision to go with PowerBlocks came down to a few key factors that I felt I wouldn’t get with other adjustable dumbbells.

Related article: How To Build The PERFECT Home Gym In A Small Garage (Budget Friendly)

Reputation: PowerBlocks have been around the longest

I’d like to be clear here and say there are some rather reputable adjustable dumbbell brands on the market. However, PowerBlock has been around the longest, which means enough time has passed to determine how their products hold up. This is a bit harder to say for companies that have only been around for a few years. 

With PowerBlocks, I knew what I was getting – a proven design that would hold up to my home gym demands. Not to mention, they come with a five-year limited warranty. 

Any adjustable dumbbell that has been around as long as PowerBlock while still seen as an industry leader clearly makes products that stand the test of time; you can’t keep a top reputation in your industry for over a decade building sub-par equipment. Click to Tweet

The External Selector Pin: Quick weight selection

There are plenty of adjustable dumbbells on the market, some of which offer quicker weight selection than others. While one could argue that Nuobell dumbbells are the quickest weight-changing adjustable dumbbells on the market (via a quick twist of the handle), PowerBlocks aren’t too far behind, or may even be quicker, particularly when changing the weight in ten-pound increments (simply pull the selector pin out and place it back in at the corresponding weight level).

The only caveat here is that changing the weight in a five-pound increment adds a couple of seconds since the handle block must be removed by itself so that you can then flick the lever to add or remove the 2.5-pound weights. It’s still much quicker than manually unloading and loading plates, mind you.

Keeping it simple: No moving parts

I’ll reference this a few other times in this article since it’s what arguably led me to go with PowerBlocks over the Nuobell dumbbells I was considering. With PowerBlocks, there are no fancy moving parts; you’re getting weights and an external selector pin. That’s it. 

There are no internal mechanisms that may break or jam should you accidentally drop the PowerBlock. This can’t necessarily be said with other, more sophisticated, adjustable dumbbells. 

Fun fact: PowerBlock mentions that the selector pin is made from polypropylene and is rated for 500 lbs max load. 

While I treat my equipment with respect, there are times when accidents happen and unintended drops can result. As such, I feel I’ve got a bit more peace of mind with PoerBlocks, should a drop ever happen. 

Unconventional: The very distinct look and feel

There’s no mistaking when someone is using a set of PowerBlocks for their exercises. While plenty of other adjustable dumbbells use a traditional form factor, PowerBlocks don’t, and can therefore be spotted a mile away.

There’s no denying that PowerBlocks don’t exactly fit the traditional form factor or mould of traditional dumbbells. I’m ok with that. 

While some lifters don’t enjoy the sensation of having their hands in a cage, it’s never been an issue for me. As long as it’s balanced within my hand, weight is weight, and my muscles don’t know the difference. 

There are times when I might not be able to perform a particular traditional dumbbell exercise (particularly when I’m grabbing the dumbbell by its end), but this isn’t an issue for me since I typically grab one of my kettlebells instead.  

So, a different look isn’t something I’m off-put by. I will say that I most prefer the look of the PowerBlock Elite USA model over the EXP Pro model, but since I live in Canada, I’d have to pay an arm and a leg to ship them north of the border, which is something I was not willing to do. 

Expandability: Building the dumbbells in stages

If money is a significant factor when it comes to purchasing a set of adjustable dumbbells, this is where the PowerBlock EXPs can really shine; you can purchase the weights in stages.

There are two significant benefits to this:

  1. You don’t have to fork over all your money at once. You can start with the base stage (5-50 lbs) and purchase stage two (50-70 lbs) and stage three (70-90 lbs) when your budget allows.
  2. If you don’t need stage 2 or 3, you aren’t wasting your money on purchasing any dumbbell weight you won’t be using.

For me, I’ve only purchased stage 1 so far due to a tight budget. Stage 2 is on the horizon, but in the meantime, I can make do with my heavy kettlebells for most other exercises. I’m not sure if I’ll need to purchase stage 3, but it’s nice knowing the option is there should I need it. 

Related article: Building Your Home Gym On A Budget (Get Stronger For A LOT Less)

Each expansion set with set you back approximately $200 (USD), but when compared to purchasing the individual dumbbells that would otherwise be required to have the same weight for each respective stage, it still amounts to a substantial amount of money saved. 

Build Quality: Rugged and Reliable

I’m a big fan of unilateral (one-sided) pressing exercises since they strengthen the shoulder and the core simultaneously.

No one wants to spend their hard-earned money on low-quality home gym equipment. Adjustable dumbbells aren’t cheap, and any reputable brand should be one that produces ones that last a lifetime (so long as you don’t abuse them).

While there were numerous reasons why I went for PowerBlocks over other adjustable dumbbells was due to the PowerBlocks not having any moving parts; there’s not much that can break or go wrong with these things.

Any adjustable dumbbell that has been around as long as PowerBlock and is still seen as an industry leader clearly makes products that stand the test of time; you can’t keep a top reputation in your industry for over a decade if you build sub-par quality equipment. 

This isn’t to say that adjustable dumbbell companies are of lesser quality. Rather, at the end of the day, quality is determined largely by how a company and its products hold up over time, and PowerBlock has had a reputation for making rugged, high-quality equipment that holds up to prolonged usage in the gym.  

Pro tip: the EXP Pro model has a urethane coating around the adjustable plates, reducing noise and preventing chipping of the plates when the dumbbells are being used. 

My only wish here is that the EXP Pros came with the metal knurling handle (like a traditional dumbbell) rather than their contoured rubber-coated handles. It’s strictly out of personal preference; I love the feel of a metal, knurled handle since it’s what I grew up on. I don’t mind the stock rubber handles (they still feel solid and secure in my hands), but that “classic” feel in my hands would always be preferred.

Pro tip: You can purchase different handles for the EXP Pro model, including traditional knurled handles or their axe handles (neither of which I’ve used), but the traditional knurled handles will set you back approximately $160 (USD) while the axe handles will set you back between $100 – $120 (USD) depending on which type you get.

Convertibility: even more strength training options

For those who want as much training versatility as possible while acquiring as little equipment as necessary, the PowerBlock EXP Pro dumbbells have the ability to be converted to be used as a kettlebell, EZ curl barbell, or straight-barbell with PowerBlock’s convertible attachments. 

While I personally haven’t used any of these attachments (and don’t have any particular interest to, either), I commend the design team and engineers at PowerBlock for their ingenuity and feel this is a solid feature to implement, and it’s one that will likely meet the needs of many PowerBlock users. 

To the best of my knowledge, I don’t believe any other brands of adjustable dumbbells have this feature.  

The Ratio: Cost to benefit breakdown

Nothin’ like some good old-fashioned concentration curls to grow the biceps!

I always like to analyze a product’s value through its cost-to-benefit ratio. If a piece of fitness equipment is dirt-cheap and is mildly beneficial, it’s probably worth picking up, or if it’s expensive and minimally beneficial, then it’s certainly worth avoiding. 

With the PowerBlock EXP Pro, they’re largely worth their weight in gold. They’re not the cheapest piece of equipment you’ll ever purchase; however, the training versatility and benefits that are unlocked as a result are immense. 

Additionally, their overall price is largely in line with other reputable adjustable dumbbells within the industry. At the time of writing this article, the EXP Pro stage I model goes for $509 (USD).

Lastly, when you consider how durable and robust these PowerBlocks are, you’re gaining a lifetime’s access to dumbbell training without the need to worry about them wearing out or the need to replace them. So long as you treat your equipment with respect, they’ll likely last you a lifetime. Essentially, they’re a “one and done” purchase.

EXP Pro Model: Who these PowerBlocks are for

When it comes to the PowerBlock EXP Pros, those who will likely get the most out of these dumbbells and be satisfied with their purchase are individuals who:

  • Are looking for equipment that will vastly expand their strength training exercise repertoire via free weight training.
  • Need the ability to have an adjustable dumbbell that can go up to 90 pounds.
  • Want or need to increase or decrease their weights by 2.5 or 5-pound increments.
  • Are on a tighter budget and want to purchase their PowerBlock weights in stages (rather than one giant purchase up-front) 
  • Don’t mind breaking away from the traditional dumbbell form factor.
  • Want peace of mind with an adjustable dumbbell that has proven the test of time.

Final thoughts

The PowerBlock EXP Pro dumbbells are tough to beat. Unless you are insistent on using adjustable dumbbells with a more traditional form factor (as some people are), these PowerBlocks should fit the bill for any home fitness enthusiast who needs the versatility of dumbbells and the needs to train at moderate to heavy loads (where the stage 1 and 2 expansion sets come in).

Between the known quality and reputation that PowerBlock has and their reasonable price point, these adjustable dumbbells are a product I fully support.

Frequently Asked Questions

To be as much help as possible, I’ve included a few brief answers to some common PowerBlock questions that individuals often have. 

PowerBlocks can be a great strength training tool for those who are looking to begin performing free weight training. This is a type of training where the weight a lifter is holding onto can move freely based on the movement the lifter is performing. 

Freeweight exercise allows for greater exercise versatility than machine-based training, where, for the latter, resistance is moved along a pre-defined path.

For those who would like to increase resistance exercise versatility or those who want to workout at home (who don’t have space or money for expensive machines), PowerBlocks can be a space-saving, cost-efficient piece of equipment that allows for a world of exercise and strength training opportunities.

PowerBlocks are used the same way traditional dumbbells are used; select the ideal weight and then grab the handle in the middle. 

The weight of a PowerBlock is determined by where you place the selector pin within the PowerBlock’s stack. The further down in the stack you place the pin, the more weight you will lift when grabbing its handle. 

PowerBlocks, just like traditional dumbbells, allow for a form of resistance training known as free weight exercise, where the weight you hold onto can move freely in any direction based on the movement you’re wanting to perform.

Absolutely. PowerBlocks are a type of adjustable dumbbell that provide the ability to perform a form of resistance training no different than when using traditional free weights, such as dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells. 

When the body has to move against resistance over repeated exposures, it will become stronger as a means of adapting to what it is struggling with. 

Whether it’s resistance with traditional dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, or PowerBlocks, your muscles won’t know the difference – they’ll only know that they need to become stronger to meet the demands they’re up against.